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Webinar Titles
Teaching Strategies to Engage, Motivate, and Retain Students Online and in the Classroom
As faculty enter the post-Covid teaching arena, there are many strategies to employ to bring life
and engagement to your class. Contrary to what students think, online courses are not
effortless. Online courses require students to have self-management, discipline, and inner
motivation. Faculty can help foster these success traits by being present and showing
compassion in their classes.
Empowering Students to Function in a Global Society by Integrating Soft Skills
The classroom of the twenty-first century will include a multicultural group of students from
diverse backgrounds. This creates a golden opportunity for instructors to prepare students to
compete in a global society. It is no surprise that students must be computer literate, but soft
skills are equally important as well. Adams (2013) identified ten skills employers want in 20-
something employees. Some of these traits involve building good relationships, working in
teams, teaching others, and solving and identifying problems. Furthermore, research
completed by Partnership for 21 st Century Learning, discusses their 4Cs of critical thinking:
collaboration, communication, creativity, and “life and career skills (Kamenetz, 2015).” As one
can see, collaborative learning is more important than ever.
Five Success Strategies for Teaching Diverse Student Populations by Becoming a Culturally
Responsive Teacher
“We all should know that diversity makes for a rich tapestry, and we must understand that all the
threads of the tapestry are equal in value no matter what their color.” (Maya Angelou)
Let’s take a moment to step away from facts around student retention, building facilities,
growing partnerships and enrollment numbers. Albeit those topics are truly important and can
be found on any college or university’s agenda. What about adding to the agenda expected
classroom experiences to promote student learning. The secret is out—instructors are at the
“front door” to facilitate student learning; they also help promote retention and build
enrollment. How? This is possible when instructors become culturally responsive teachers.
Module Descriptions
*Preparing for College
College is a different ball game from high school. This module will set the stage for student success by covering topics dealing with personal responsibility, motivation, faculty expectations and more.
* Birkman Career Assessment
This assessment helps students to dive deep into career-type questions to match jobs with their interests, and personality. It is a multi-faceted report with specific occupational data to show students the careers that may be the best fit for you.
* Learning Style Inventory
Are you a visual, auditory, kinesthetic, or read/write learner? This assessment will identify your preferred learning style and suggest ways to input information, SWOT (Study Without Tears) and output information.
*Study and Notetaking Skills
Research indicates that many students did not know that there are various ways to take notes depending on the course you are taking. Do you know how study/reading techniques? Do you know how to annotate a text? This Module will help you improve your study and notetaking skills.
*Reading and Writing Strategies
This module is designed to help improve your reading and comprehension skills. Do you need help in preparing for the TSIA reading or writing portion of the exam? If so this module is for you.
*Taking Tests
There are no secrets to taking a test, but we have proven strategies to help boost your test scores in any subject area. This module will discuss ways to take essay and objective exams.
*Time Management
Do you feel rushed? Do you wish you had more than 24 hours in the day? Our Time Management Module will show you ways you can have more time for yourself and to conquer procrastination.
*Design Your Own Custom Program
This is a concierge service available in which you and your parents can decide what attitudes and behaviors need attention. Additional testing or assessments may be required.